YouTube is the second largest search engine after the Google, YouTube has all types informative videos where people can learn and know about the details they are searching for, number of people who are watching YouTube videos are growing day by day.
As a blogger or publisher we have to grab this opportunity to cater the needs of people to provide quality video tutorials to them, so many of us are already making YouTube videos to reach more people and new content marketers also foraying into this YouTube platform.
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Interesting part of YouTube is, it not only acts as free hosting provider for our videos it even allows us to monetize YouTube videos, so many YouTubers(video blogging) are earning decent amount of money from Youtube.
Today I want to share the information how can we monetize YouTube videos and the steps involved in this process.
Before stepping into our main topic first we should know
We are allowing YouTube to place ads on our videos at various places by accepting the terms and conditions of YouTube to get the share from ads revenue.
YouTube charges some amount from the advertisers to display ads on our videos when some viewer clicks on those ads we will get the share from YouTube revenue.
If we have a Google account which is not involved in any fraudulent activity like Adsense ban, spam activity, and other issues then you are eligible to monetize YouTube channel.
We have to log in to our YouTube channel to find out whether we are in good standing condition to monetize our YouTube channel or not.
Go To YouTube> My Channel> Account settings at the top right corner
Check out the Google’s guidelines to check YouTube channel eligibility
Here is the screenshot about good standing condition account
The rounded green button indicates we are in a good standing condition to enable our YouTube channel for monetization, right under this account status option we will find features option with status and description.
Here is the screenshot of features options
In the above screenshot, we can see different features, their status and description available for our YouTube channel, the first option in this feature is monetization, here we can see enable button which allows us to monetize our videos.
Click the enable button to activate your YouTube channel for monetization.
Till now we activated our YouTube channel for monetization not for our videos, we have to individually select monetization option for videos, before moving ahead to monetize videos we have to follow some strict rules of YouTube to enable our videos for monetization.
- Original content
- Owning commercial rights for Audio/Video
- Advertiser Friendly Content
- YouTube Policy Compliance content
If our videos meet the above requirements then we are eligible to monetize our videos, once we upload the video in YouTube we can see the option monetization in “Info and Settings” just click checkbox monetize with ads option.
Also Read: How To Increase Adsense Revenue
Here is the screenshot
Once we click this option YouTube process our video to find out whether this video is original or not and checks the audio files to cross check whether we used any copyrighted music in this video or not, if YouTube thinks it’s original content then it displays green $ symbol in videos section of our video manager panel.
Here is the screenshot
YouTube displays four types of ads (Ad formats) on our videos
- Skippable video ads
- Non-Skippable video ads
- Display Ads
- Overlay Ads
All the above Ads are displayed on our videos as per YouTube’s algorithm referred as “Dynamic Ad Loading” so we don’t have any control about these Ads display, algorithm decides which ads are shown on our videos based on our content, region, and user interest.
YouTube monitors the user interaction with the Ads, for example if the user watches the full skippable Ad video then we get some share, if the user clicks on overlay ads then we get some share.
All our Ad earnings depend upon the user interaction with the Ads, if you have more views, a lot of user interaction with the Ads then you earnings will go up.
YouTube analytics will allow us to check Ad earnings, here we will get all the information about which video is earning the most and which video is not and shows top earning videos in ascending order.
We can check ad earnings based on the video, geographic area and by date, by default it shows last 28 days estimated earnings, here we have the option to select the time period as per our interest.
As per the policy of YouTube, we shouldn’t share our earnings so I am not sharing this Ad earnings report screenshots.
If you have a pre-approved Adsense account then you can integrate that account into YouTube to receive payment if not you have to create an Adsense account in order to receive the payment.
Also Read: Adsense Briefing Guide
Once it reaches the payment threshold of 100$ you will get the payment via cheque through postal service or other options which Adsense allows you to receive the payment like direct bank deposit, you have to check available options in Adsense account.
Conclusion: In this how to monetize YouTube videos I shared my knowledge about this process if you have any doubts regarding this step by step guide you can contact me through comments, I will try to solve your questions.
I am requesting all the readers to kindly share your opinions, thoughts and experiences bout YouTube channel monetization in the comments section so that readers can understand more about its practical issues involved in this process.